About Us

About us

PakLand Jobs is a website in Pakistan where people can find jobs and employers can find employees. We help job seekers and employers by providing one place for them to look for jobs or hire people. We have many CVs (resumes) in our database that employers can search through to find the right person for the job. We help thousands of employers find employees.

We have a job posting service that helps both employers and job seekers in Pakistan. Employers can find the right candidate for their job openings, and job seekers can find the right job for them, whether it's in the government or private sector, full-time or part-time, or even student internships. You can sign up to find jobs in various fields like construction, real estate, IT, banking, teaching, design, sales and marketing, accounting, HR, engineering, and more..

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Company Testimonial

She Technologies


SHE Technologies has created a great opportunity for both job seekers and employers. This opportunity provides a platform for job seekers to find employment and for employers to find potential candidates.

Job seekers can use this to find job openings and apply for them easily.

Employers can use Pakland Jobs platform to post job openings and search for qualified candidates..

PakLand Jobs provides a platform for job seekers and employers to connect and communicate with each other.

See What Our Customers Say About Us

Post a job to tell us about your project. We'll quickly match you with the right freelancers.